Jonathan McGee
Private pilot and electrical engineer with experience in embedded systems, hardware design, and signal processing.
Private pilot and electrical engineer with experience in embedded systems, hardware design, and signal processing.
Contract circuit design, PCB layout, FPGA and firmware development.
Designed and implemented an FPGA-based data acquisition and signal processing core for a miniaturized weather RADAR system. Electronics work included circuit design and schematic capture for the integrated CPU module, FPGA module, and related power systems. Software work included the HDL for the FPGA and related software on the host computer for communication with the FPGA over PCI-Express.
On a smaller scale, provided contracted assistance in circuit design and board layout for the control electronics of a satellite propulsion system, firmware for consumer electronics, and firmware for the control electronics in an autonomous vehicle.
Circuit design, PCB layout, firmware development, and integrated testing for flight systems. Systems centered around use of the ARM Cortex-M. Limited work investigating use of the Cortex-R (including initial CPU bring-up) and FPGAs. General focus on sensor systems. Limited experience with machine learning for prototyping computer vision applications.
Interfaced with Enterprise PLM Systems, Component Manufacturers, Prototyping Vendors, and Contract Manufacturers. Implemented and administered database for the centralized management of component libraries for Altium and Orcad/Allegro.
Considerable independence was demonstrated through all phases of project lifetime: research, design, and implementation. Regularly handled communication with customers, leadership, and vendors.
Developed Linux-based C++ software for signal processing applications. Made extensive use of OpenMP for parallelization and Asio for asynchronous network I/O. Designed algorithms based on Bayesian inference for purposes of pattern identification and estimation.
Programmed stand-alone and PC-based Xilinx FPGA systems for signal processing applications. Development focused on implementing Ethernet (1G and 10G) and UDP/IP for data exchange, fixed-point and floating-point pipelined computations.
Designed, built, and programmed embedded radio systems based on the Texas Instruments MSP430 and Chipcon radios. Emphasis was on physical miniaturization and minimizing power consumption. Software development was bare-metal in C++, supported by limited use of assembly to construct a rudimentary threaded Real Time Operating System (RTOS). Prototypes have operated autonomously in the field for multiple years without need of servicing.